Sentiment Analysis can take your business to the next level by helping you to understand what your customers and potential customers think, understand what people think about world issues, how voters make choices, and what products and features consumers like. This sophisticated analytical technique goes beyond quantitative questionnaires and surveys to capture the real opinions, feelings and sentiments of consumers, employees, and other stakeholders.
Smarten CEO, Kartik Patel says, “Smarten Sentiment Analysis leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP), text analytics, and computational linguistics to identify and analyze sentiment, opinion and responses and can be used for text analysis to gain insight into how and why people make choices and what they are really thinking and categorize feedback as positive, negative and neutral sentiments.”
The process is simple, and is designed for business users, and does not need any scripting or coding, and provides significant value to the organization. Businesses can analyze text to understand positive, negative and neutral sentiments, and can analyze the sentiments further with slice and dice with context variables such as persons location or demography. They can analyze how product opinions change over time and understand sentiments to improve the response to product reviews, movie or book reviews, advertising campaigns, Amazon product reviews, social media tweets and comments, news headlines media content, and more.
“Sentiment Analysis can help you solve problems,” says Patel, ‘And it can identify opportunities and improve your brand image and competitive stance in the market.’
Smarten Sentiment Analysis provides a powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique to analyze customer feedback, and understand attitudes about products, events, trends, etc. Algorithms can be applied to text to understand what a person is thinking and why, and to look for commonality of sentiments in geographic location, demographics, etc. Smarten Sentiment Analysis is simple enough for business users and allows every enterprise to democratize data, improve data literacy and cascade analytics to every team and every user in the organization.
Contact the Smarten team for more information on Smarten Augmented Analytics solution and the powerful opportunities provided by Sentiment Analysis.