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Signature of a MoU between the GIFAS (France) and the SIDM (India)

  • Monday, April 16, 2018 7:05PM IST (1:35PM GMT)
New Delhi, Delhi, India:  The Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers (SIDM) and the Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) signed today a memorandum of understanding on the sidelines of a major industrial mission in India in the field of aerospace and defence organised by GIFAS with the support of SIDM from the 16th to 19th April 2018.

This agreement aims to promote a sustainable framework for present and future partnerships and cooperative actions between the French aerospace industry and the Indian defence industry by reaffirming the necessity to expand trade, through stronger economic and industrial cooperation, between France and India, and towards export customers.

The signing of this MoU between our two bodies is an excellent opportunity to develop the cooperation between France and India and shape the aerospace and defense industry of the future," stated Pierre Bourlot (Managing Director of GIFAS) and Lt Gen Subrata Saha (Director General of SIDM) when they signed the document.

This MoU will allow the implementation of measures to promote a mutually beneficial cooperation in aerospace and defence manufacturing, research & technology, human capital, engineering services, systems integration.

The cooperation will focus on 5 axes of common interest that are:
  • The development of business opportunities between members of GIFAS and SIDM
  • Training and human capital development
  • Research and technology
  • Aerospace Industry Policy and Business Environment
  • International Trade Issues.


GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales), the French Aerospace Industries Association, is an industry body formed in 1908, that brings together some 400 companies ranging from the main prime contractors and system suppliers to SMEs that together form a cohesive, supportive and hard-driving high-technology sector specializing in the design, development, construction, marketing and maintenance of all aeronautical and space programmes and equipment, both civilian and military, as well as defence and security systems – planes, helicopters, drones, motors, devices and missiles, satellites and space launchers, major systems and equipment, defence and security systems.

GIFAS represents an industry whose 2017 sales turnover was € 64 bn, and that exports 85% of its output, directly employs 190 000 individuals and annually invests more than 12% of its sales turnover in R&D.
About SIDM

The Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers (SIDM) is a not-for-profit association formed to be the apex body of the Indian defence industry. SIDM plays a proactive role as an advocate, catalyst, and facilitator for the growth and capability building of the defence industry in India. SIDM works closely with the government towards enabling the growth of the defence industry and collaborates with experts from the armed forces, academia and defence industry to optimize the industry’s development capabilities. With a vision to ‘Catalyse the Indian defence industry to effectively contribute to India’s national security and become a trustworthy global partner’, SIDM provides an array of services to its members including Policy & Progress Advocacy, Policy & Market Research, Access to Emerging Technologies & New Opportunities, Promotes Indigenisation & Innovation, Export Promotion and Education & Skill Development. SIDM is keenly working on emerging technologies and innovations; works with countries looking for single body to facilitate B2B connect and facilitates collaboration between MSMEs to help them function as clusters.

SIDM has more than 150 members including large enterprises, MSMEs, FOEMs, national sectoral associations and regional industry associations.
Click here for Media Contact Details

Hari Krishna Bhanusree (Head of Communications), SIDM, +91-9711859871

Christophe Robin (Communications Director), GIFAS, [email protected]

Arneeta Vasudeva (Vice President), Ogilvy India, [email protected]

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