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IAFI and University of Chicago to Host Joint Conference on Spectrum and Telecommunications Policy for Future Wireless Systems

  • Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:29PM IST (11:59AM GMT)
New Delhi, Delhi, India:  
IAFI (ITU- APT Foundation of India), along with the University of Chicago, SpectrumX, and IIT Delhi announced today that they will jointly host the “3rd India Spectrum Management Conference” in New Delhi India. This joint Indo-US conference on Spectrum and Telecommunications Policy and Technology for Future Wireless Systems will be held as a three-day event from 16th to 18th October 2023.

The three-day conference is expected to take a deep and in-depth look at spectrum policies, issues, challenges, and the way forward for future of wireless systems and will include sessions on Spectrum planning for various frequency bands such as Sub-1 GHz, 1-6 GHz, 6-7 GHz, 7 - 24 GHz as well as bands above 24 GHz, including THz frequencies. Detailed agenda and speaker details are available here https://ismc-23.itu-apt.org/

The formal inauguration of the event is expected to be addressed by Shri Devusinh Chauhan, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, Shri Neeraj Mittal, Secretary DoT and Chairman Digital Communications Commission (DCC), Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Shri Manish Sinha, Member, Finance and Smt. Gunjan Dave, Member Technology of DOT and Shri V J Christopher, Wireless Advisor to the Govt. of India on 17th October.

On day 1, the event to be held in UChicago Delhi Center will kick off with inaugural address by Dr. Monisha Ghosh, Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA and Mr. Bharat Bhatia, President, IAFI. The keynote Speeches will be delivered by Mr. Charles Cooper, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA, USA and Shri VJ Christopher, Wireless Advisor to the Govt. of India.

The three-day mega event expects robust participation from the industry and experts in the field of telecommunication. It will be bringing together senior government officials from DoT, TEC, ISRO, DOS, BSNL, etc, industry experts and regulators form India and other countries along with top-level executives and decision makers from Indian and international companies. A major session on operators’ perspective will address the lessons learned from 5G and looking ahead to 6G while dealing with topics such as Next spectrum auctions, spectrum for public safety and disaster relief will be extremely pertinent in current spectrum scenario. 

The first session of the conference will address the spectrum landscape below 1 GHz and the pivotal role it plays in direct broadcast of television channels to mobiles, Program Making and Studio Equipment (PMSE) as well as the new 600 MHz cellular mobile band. Subsequent sessions will address the spectrum policy and sharing opportunities in 1- 6 GHz, Wi-Fi, automated driving using CV2X, Spectrum Sharing with Defence services, 5G spectrum issues with aircraft, 5G spectrum for Industries, new technologies and spectrum sharing for more efficient use of spectrum. Session on spectrum studies and issues in 7 - 24 GHz which will delve into topics like Propagation, Massive MIMO: Giga MIMO in 12 GHz band, Antennas/ RF Front ends, SDRs; Spectrum Studies towards mmWave/THz bands.

The session on "6G: Next G Alliance / Bharat 6G Alliance" will feature Dr. Rajkumar Upadhyay, CEO CDOT, Dr. Monisha Ghosh of U-Chicago, Mr. Jitendra Singh of Qualcomm, Mr. Janne Peisa of Ericsson, Dr. Jishnu Aravindakshan of Tejas networks and Prof Radha Krishna Ganti of IIT Madras. The speakers will also include Mr. Rajesh Kumar Pathak and Mr. Vijay Kumar Roy This important session will address following critical questions relating to 6G such as 6G Spectrum: where will it be? Will sharing be essential and should we think about 6G as "Sharing Native", 6G metrics: how should they be different from 5G, 6G and AI: how can 6G be "AI Native, 6G and the digital divide: how should we think about this, 6G terrestrial and satellite convergence and 6G and Open RAN

The conference will also address the critical spectrum question about planning and economic utilization of 6 GHz Band, in particular the interplay between WIFI and Mobile services and will address questions such as the important is the 6GHz spectrum band for meeting the increasing demand for Wi-Fi services in India, and what potential benefits can it bring to consumers and businesses, sharing issues between WiFi and satellite services in India and the international best practices or lessons learned from other countries' experiences with the 6GHz spectrum that India can adopt in its spectrum management strategy.
To give a broader sense, the session on Satellite Licensing Policy, will deliberate at length the spectrum policies for satellite communication in India. The session will focus on the issues raised in the TRAI consultation on spectrum for space services, Comparison of the regulatory practices and policies for spectrum allocation and pricing in different countries, identification of the challenges and opportunities for satellite communications in India and the development of a way forward for the allocation and pricing of spectrum for satellite communications in India.

Besides, the conference will be discussing the WRC-23 Preparatory activities including WRC-23 and WRC-27 dialog for terrestrial as well as satellite agenda items.

The event will be marked by several eminent speakers and panelists in their respective fields of expertise. They include Mr. Charles Cooper, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA, USA; Shri VJ Christopher, Wireless Advisor to the Govt. of India; Ms. Madeleine Noland, President, Advanced Television Systems Committee Inc., USA; Mr. Prashant Maru, VP, Sales & Bizdev, Saankhya Labs Pvt. Ltd; Mr. Prakash Moorut, Global Head of Spectrum & Regulatory Affairs, Shure Incorporated, USA; Dr. Vinosh Babu James, Director, Technical Standards, Qualcomm, India; Mr. Rajeev Kumar, Director (Engg), Doordarshan, India; Dr. Dhananjay Gore, Vice President of Engineering and Head of Qualcomm Research, India; Dr. Adrish Banerjee, Next Generation Broadcasting, Chair Professor, IIT Kanpur, India; Prof. KJ Vinoy, Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India; Mr. Stuart Cooke, Chair of the GSA’s Global Spectrum Team, UK; Dr. Rohit Kapoor, Principal Manager, Qualcomm, India; Mr. Avinash Agarwal, DDG C & B, TEC, India; Prof. Josep Jornet, Professor, Northeastern University & Director, Ultrabroadband Nano-networking (UN) Laboratory, USA; Prof. Ranjan Mallik, Institute Chair Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi; Prof. Anand Srivastava, Professor, Director, (IIIT Delhi Incubation Center); Prof. A. Chockalingam, IISC, Bangalore; Dr. Hanumantha Rao, Director General, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research (SAMEER), MeitY, India; Mr. Rajiv Gupta, Astrome; Shri Manish Sinha, Member, Finance, DoT; Smt. Gunjan Dave, Member Technology, DoT; Shri V J Christopher, Wireless Advisor to the Govt. of India; Mr. Vishy Ramaswamy, Vice President, 5G & Digital Solutions, Tata Communications, India; Dr. Punit Rathod, Lead Technical Standards, Qualcomm, India; Dr. Sendil Kumar Devar, Director, Standards and Spectrum, Ericsson, India; Shri L C Mangal, Outstanding Scientist & Director, DEAL, DRDO, Dehradun; Mr. Vikram Tiwathia, COAI; Lt Col VS Velan, CTO, Elena Geo Systems Pvt Ltd, India; Mr. Alan Norman, Director, Public Policy, Meta, USA; Mr. Nadeem Akhtar, Staff Product Manager, Tarana Wireless, India; Mr. Jatin Parekh, Head of Wi-Fi Product Management, Arista Networks, India; Mr. T V Ramachandran, President, BIF, India; Ms. Sofi, ISRO; Prof. Anand Baswade, Assistant Professor, IIT Bhilai, India; Ms. Revathi Mannepalli, Joint Wireless Advisor (WPC), DoT; Dr. P K Jain, Director, IN-SPACe, DoS, India to name a few.

Live streaming of the conference will be available on

17th October live streaming Link

18th October live streaming link
ITU-APT Foundation of India (ITU-APT) is a non-profit, non-political, non-partisan Industry foundation registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1960. ITU-APT is working for last 20 years with the prime objective of encouraging involvement of professionals, corporate, public/private sector industries, R&D organizations, academic institutions, and such other agencies engaged in development of Indian Telecom sector in the activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT).

The Foundation has been recognized as an International/Regional Telecommunications Organization by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

For any further information please see our website https://www.itu-apt.org/ or contact Mr. Ashish Chaudhary, Sr. Manager of the Foundation at +91 70172 10403 or [email protected]

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