Best Cyclotron Systems, Inc. (BCSI) and Best Theratronics Limited (BTL), both members of TeamBest Companies, announce a range of cyclotrons with highly advanced, state-of-the-art technologies, for Research, Diagnostic and Therapy Isotope Production.
The Best 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 70 MeV Proton Cyclotrons are designed for single particle, but with multiple beam lines. In addition, a new advanced design Best 35 MeV Multi-particle and Multi-beam Cyclotron (to produce Alpha, Deuterons and Protons) is currently under development to meet customers’ needs.
All of the Best Cyclotrons can be designed to operate at 1000 Micro Amp Current or higher for Proton Beams and will have the capability to be a potential Neutron source for the production of select medical radioisotopes for research, diagnostic and therapy applications.
Two years ago in Italy, TeamBest installed the only 70 MeV Cyclotron produced by a commercial enterprise, operating as specified, at full power, and capable of operating higher than 700 Micro Amp, for Proton Beams as high as 70 MeV.
Over the last several years, BCSI and BTL have become the most capable Multi-Particle, Multi-Beam and Multi-Energy Cyclotrons in the world.
For more details and information, please visit:
Best Theratronics HQ
413 March Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 0E4 Canada
phone +1-613-591-2100 +1-866-792-8598
Best Cyclotron Systems HQ
8765 Ash St., Unit 7, Vancouver, BC V6P 6T3 Canada
phone +1-604-681-3327 +1-866-909-4647
Best Medical International / TeamBest Companies HQ
7643 Fullerton Road, Springfield, VA 22153 USA
phone 703-451-2378 800-336-4970
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